Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fab Five Looks for the Week

Coat ideas for the winter. Snow has finally fallen and so has the temperature. Layering is always nice but if not layered just right, you are left still feeling cold. However, above all those layers. What is your go to coat? Are you someone that goes for style or are you someone that goes for warmth. Personally, I go for warmth. Style is underneath but if I have a jacket that can be meant for both. That would be a plus in anyone's wardrobe. If I had to choose, it would be the last two coats as my first options and maybe the heading photo as my second option. Some people can handle vests outside in the snow but I sure can't. There are those that will wear really light jackets and I'm not sure if they are just warm blooded people or just crazy but if it works, why change it?
Rights go to:

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