Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fashion Thieves

On a daily basis, stores fight to protect their merchandise from thieves. They come into the store in pairs, groups or with their children. One is the look out or the distraction while the others are doing the deed. Then you have the moms that hide the clothes under their children, in the bag or in the stroller. Thieves even like to hide in corners or go to the dressing room to remove the sensor. They do this because they are ashamed. How I know that they are ashamed is because they hide the sensor. A thieve who isn't ashamed will leave the sensor in plain sight. They also wont hide in the dressing room. I especially love it when you catch them, they look at you like they didn't do anything wrong. 
There was one incident that a mom came in with her baby in a stroller. When she was getting ready to leave, the alarm went off. Come to find out that the merchandise was hidden under the baby. She blamed that the baby took the merchandise. Come on people, that should be a given and it's really disgraceful that the mom would steal but also blame it on her child. There was another incident that a mom blamed her five year old for putting a phone case in her merchandise bag, This should also be a given as well. Thieves should be glad that we don't keep up with what we did back then. Back then, every time a thief got caught, they would lose a hand. Lesson quickly learned!
Designers work hard everyday to become something. They create the fashion for us that soon get's put into stores for the average person to buy. However, I'm finding that this isn't enough for people. Even on Black Friday, the day that everything is 60-70% off, people STILL steal. Why is this? Are people cheap? Do they want everything for free? Just handed to them? Do they really want a merchandise that they honestly didn't work hard to earn? If everyone stole, places would be out of business or the business would move and then we would be left with no good quality merchandise. People would lose their jobs and the "thrill" that supposedly thieves have in stealing will be all for nothing because they can't really claim anything. 
I was always raise that if you want something; work hard, earn the money and get it. The excitement of knowing that you worked hard for that expensive piece is more valuable then a regular item you steal. So if you are a shopper and you see someone stealing, point it out to a manager or an associate. You would be surprised to find out what stores do for someone who turns in a thief. If you are an associate and or manager, my hat goes off to you for working hard at catching the thieves. If you are a thief, next time you feel like stealing, ask yourself if it's actually worth it. If it's something you actually need that you have to steal. Then ask yourself if you will be able to look at it and be proud at what you did. As well as, are you a good role model for doing this?
Be a good role model and stop the stealing. Make a difference


  1. Stealing happens everywhere. You probably have seen even 12 years olds steal. They are starting at a young age and its sad but I agree with you. A stolen item isn't as valuable as an item that you worked hard to buy.

  2. Yes, I have seen kids come in and have caught them in stealing. It's very sad and disappointing.
