Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black Friday Day

Black Friday didn't disappoint me. Around 6, maybe 7:00am, the stores at the mall started to pick up in business again. Every parking spot at the mall was taken as people were coming and going. At times, there were car lines waiting for a spot to open up. Some people forgetting to be safe drivers. However, everyone inside the mall was finding those great deals!
As time continues to go on, store sales started to go back to normal. My store for example went from 50% to 40% off but that didn't stop our shoppers. We had all three of the registers open and a line full of customers up until 8:00pm. Then the store started to die down. I walked outside the store to see if any other store was busy and safe to say that all the stores was starting to die down.
Compared to two years ago, we were actually busy up until closing so this was a different experience for my coworkers and I. Even though Black Friday is offically over, some stores are still having their sales go on up until Monday for the shoppers that didn't want to get out in the craziness. The sales may not be as good as the beginning but a sale is still a good deal.
So to all the Black Friday shoppers and readers out there. Did it help to open the doors at 6pm on Thursday?

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