Sunday, September 21, 2014

Facts about me: Leibster Award

Hey everyone, I got nominated for the Liebster award. I want to thank Runwaykilla for nominating me. So here we go!

Here are the rules:

1. What is your favorite color?

2. If you could visit any place in the world where would it be?
Greece because I love the history that it still holds. There is so much inspiration there for art and fashion.

3. What's your favorite food/dish?
Hands down Chicken nachos

4. Who is your favorite person? Why?
My favorite person is my mom. she is like my best friend and will always be there for me. I can count on her whenever times get tough.

5. Chocolate or Vanilla?

6. Black or White?

7. If you could have a special power, what would it be?
Healing so that I can heal myself and heal those who are need it

8. Which celebrity would you most like as your friend?
Selena Gomez because she isn't caught up in the drugs and causing problems

9. What was your first paid job?
Taco Bell

10. Ideal date?
This may sound corny but my ideal date is getting something to eat and then going to a quit place to look at the stars. It's original and not typical.

11. Favorite Movie?
Step Up!

Random facts about me:
1. I like to dance and draw

2. I enjoy a good challenge

3. Travel, exploring and taking pictures

4. Creating scrapbooks

5. I don't like feet

6. I love animals

7. Family comes first in my life

8. I'm saving up money to buy a mannequins so that I can start making clothes

9. I'm a goofball

10. I have a BA in Fashion Merchandising

11. I don't smoke, drugs or drink alcohol


My questions:
1. Who is your favorite celebrity?

2. If you could spend the day with any celebrity, what would your day be like?

3. What's your favorite food/dish?

4. Who is your style inspiration?

5. What brings a smile to your face?

6. If you could do one good deed, no matter the cost, what good deed would you do?

7. What's your favorite song?

8. What was your biggest challenge?

9. How long have you been blogging?

10. Do you have any pets? Tell us about them if you do:)

11. If you could go back in time, what would you do?

Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

  1. We have a few things in common.. I have my Associates Degree in Fashion Merchandising :)
