Monday, January 7, 2019

Vera Wang

Designer of the week is the beautiful Vera Wang. Anyone who loves fashion and hopes to make it a career should add Vera Wang to their bucket list of designers to meet. Did you know that at an early age Wang was a figure skater who actually made it into the Sports Illustrated magazine? She even tried to go further but when she failed to make the U.S. Olympics team, Wang chose to switch things up. This is when she went into the fashion industry. Some say that some of Wangs pieces have this majestic feeling to them of a ballerina on the ice. Upon graduation from Sarah Lawrence College, Wang was hired to be an editor at Vogue. She was the youngest editor that's ever been hired on to Vogue at the time.
Unlike many, she also stayed with the company for 17 years. That's a huge commitment to the company. In 1987, Wang did try working for Ralph Lauren for a couple years but this is when she started to think about coming up with her own label. She understood the business and had many that cheered her on. Wang became an independent bridal wear designer. She doesn't stop at bridal. Wang has also created evening wear and costumes. As awards started to flow in, Wang started to become the most desired designer. Do you remember that saying, "You don't alter a Vera to fit you, you alter yourself to fit Vera"? This quote was actually featured in Bride Wars featuring Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. Some people actually live by this saying. Wang appreciates the love people have for her designers but wishes people would not live by this saying. Wangs pieces still to today continue to be featured in shows and movies. I'm for sure looking forward to seeing what Vera Wang comes up with next.
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