Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Bold Type

Absolutely in love with this show. The Bold Type is sort of like The Devil Wears Prada meets Sex and the City with a comedy bonus. The three main characters, Jane, Kate and Sutton will make you wish they were your friends and or wish you had friends like them. All three girls work for the global women's magazine, Scarlet. With a boss like Jacqueline.
With a little drama, Kat, Sutton and Jane find ways of supporting each other while going through the daily struggles that anyone would go through working for a magazine and or outside of the workplace. In every episode, they take on the challenges that we are currently facing. These girls will take you on a journey with them in finding their identity, explore their sexuality, find love and of course fashion. Interested? Watch live on TV and or check out the series from the beginning on Hulu.
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