Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Fab Five Spring Looks for the Week

Let it rain!
The month of May is known for rain. For the last two weeks, there has been a lot of rain around the country. Over the years, rain outerwear has evolved as fashion trends continue to inspire others. Our rain boots are now in colors and patterns as well as our rain coats. Instead of a stiff straight coat/ poncho to cover you, they now have different shapes and pockets. There is no longer a one size fits all, there are now multiple sizes for any individual. They have become more stylish and are more connected to the needs of a consumer. Now that we are given these many ideas, how do we style them? Here are a couple of great examples to style your rain boots as well as your rain coats.
There are many shapes of rain coats. This one for example resembles a hoodie which is one of my favorites. Hoodies are so comfortable and when I feel like just going, this is easy to just put on like a hoodie. Pair it with skinny jeans, t-shirt, heels or sandals and you're ready to go. Easy combination while still being comfortable.
Singed in the waist, this rain coat is paired with a green skirt, white ruffle top, black leggings and a pair of heels. The singed waist helps with the outfit as well as accents the skinnies part of the body. Adding shape as well as interest. Having the coat end where the skirt ends is a plus. If it hung long to the ground, it would only pull the outfit down instead of making it pop.
Wear your rain boots with a dress. They are much like regular boots so wear them with your dresses. I love how she grabbed what little amount of black she had in her coat and decided to make it where she was wearing black rain boots. Definitely makes her dress pop more and it still has fun to the outfit. The rain boots don't look tacky and even her umbrella goes with the outfit.
Peacoats and trench coats are always a go to for rainy weather but why not combine them with your rain boots? If done correctly like this photo, it can only make you look better. With the beige peacoat, bluish-purple dress matching the rain boots, this casual yet stylish outfit can makes it's way anywhere. Perfect for spring with it's colors but not too much for the women who doesn't like a lot of color.
Color, color, color! I have always loved a dress that has sheer sleeves to it. Adding poke-a-dot panti hose for added flavor, this outfit was combined with pink rain boots and a pink scarf. The good thing about rain is that they're only a few chances that it will last all day. Having this in mind, you want to wear something that you can easily be able to wear all day. This is a perfect example because after the rain, there is nothing really that you have to take off. Everything is still breathable, you're still stylish and at the same time, you're still comfortable. A pop of color keeps the day fresh as well as keeping a smile on your face from the gloomy weather.
Right go to:

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