Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lanvin Visual Display

Creative. Very interesting visual display. A different intake on displaying the clothing compared to any other display that we have so far check out. You have a door, navy canvas, parts of wood flooring, light and what looks like a dead plant in the mannequins hand. The mannequin at an diagonal is a nice touch which is in connection to the drawing on the canvas. Creating a shadow replica of the mannequin. This artistic flair almost looks like a scrapbook or a mood board you would normally see on a fashion wall. It's simple but at the same time has a hint of drama to it. This would get 9/10
Average. This display is interesting in the aspects of the diagonal large picture frame and the two mannequins standing on the chair. It almost looks like the girls are turning the large picture frame. It has a hint of fun in the display with the styling techniques, the standing on the chair and the way the large picture fame is. However, I wish something was done behind the mannequins. It almost feels like something is missing from the display. With class, this would get 7/10
Creative. Very entertaining display. Not necessary a front window store display but this really caught my eye so I wanted to share it with you. It gives off the look of a mirror image but if you look closely, the mannequins are not the same. One is wearing shoes while the other isn't and one is looking to the left while the other is looking down. This would be amazing in a front store window. The two girls are definitely the focal point and then with everything else, its cohesive and has a theme. Overall,this would get 10/10
Average. This is technically a smaller version of the display from above. They're two mannequins creating that mirror image but not 100% the same. I had to do a second take on this because they almost looked exactly the same. The only thing disappointing about this display is that it feels like they held back. When comparing it to the picture above, this would be the simple form of it but if your wanting customers to enter your store. You want enough that will catch their eye and draw them in. To be interested in the brand and want to enter. This display would get 7/10
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