Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dolce & Gabbana Visual Display

Creative. The bird cages hanging all over the display is interesting and I like how the merchandise is in some of the bird cages. Great way to show off merchandise and the curtains make me think of something that normally sits on top of a bird cage to make it seem dark and for the bird to relax instead of always being aware of whats around it. Makes you think Dolce & Gabbana's intentions are to let your creativity free, hence some of the cages are empty. There is a theme, a meaning to this display that some may not get but if you look at it long enough. It will come to you. This display would get 9/10
Creative. For a small display, they used as much space as they could. The focal point is the outfit standing in front of everything. With everything focusing in the middle of the display as well as the lights pointing at the display, no matter where you look at first. Your eye automatically go right to the middle. The different size of wheels is an added touch that makes the display quite interesting. Being able to see into the store helps enhance everything around the featured garments. If there was a plain white back board, the display would still be interesting but not like what it is now. Overall, this would get 10/10
Creative. Can you say obsession? This is by far the most creative I have seen a display be. Both sides of the display are equally eye catching. There is lava stone, prickly pears and stones. With the window display larger then what normal stores have, enlarging the display items was a must to draw attention from afar. The random placement of shoes and purses was a great use of space and advertising the merchandise in the store. However, I wish they could of done different mannequins. More lively mannequins. Maybe a mannequin sitting on the ground or one acting like it's climbing up the lava stone. The top part of this display does connect both sides. I would want to enter this store. This would get 10/10
Creative. Very unique. Much like the males display above. This makes me think of Rumpelstiltskin in a way with the wheels but more futuristic. I like the rock pattern floor and how the shoes are sitting on the display tables. As well as the purse. There is so much detail work in his clothing, so seeing something simple and yet unique in the display is quite smart. Almost balanced in a way. It almost has that creative artist feel it that drawls you in. Overall, this would get 9/10
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