Creative. Instead of having a plain backdrop or a white backdrop, they put what looks like wall dividers that are pink and gold. These intertwine with the garments and the bags that are being featured. The mannequin isn't standing which is also becoming a trend for many stores and they have the bags at different levels. With wood flooring, this whole display is cohesive and looks like a lot of thought went into it. Eye catching and elegant. I would give this 10/10
Creative. Unique small window, the display space is completely used but not in a way that overwhelms something. I probably would of chosen a different outfit to go into the display Having pictures and shoes in boxes popping out of the wall for effect was a great idea. Also, I would of chosen a different mannequin. Maybe a mannequin that has her hands on her hips instead of a stiff mannequin. I would give this 9/10Average. This would be an example of love it or hate it. I'm sure with a different outfit and mannequin that it would be hands down a great display. The backdrop is different and a change for Valentino. It can be mad fun or serious. Changing the mannequin and outfit could of made it fun. The idea is there but it's up in the air on drawing attention. I would give this a 6/10
Creative. With that one pop of red, your eye immediately goes right to it. Making the book the focal point. It's simple but in a good way with the oversize book. If they added in more items or more over sized items, them the display would be crowded and not cohesive. I'm not sure about the shoes sitting on the pillows on the floor. Maybe add one pillow with a shoe on the other side of the display or a purse. Overall, simple but good display. I would give this a 8/10
Creative. Amazing display. This display has the feeling that your inside that mannequins walk in closet. Out of all the displays that I have seen, this is the more generic but true to the clothes, bags and shoes. They are in our closets so to make someone feel like they are invited to your closet is a good idea. Great use of space and the details are spot on. I would give this 10/10
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awh the anna and elsa costumes are adorable!
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