Project Runway is a reality TV series that focuses on fashion design which is hosted by Heidi Klum. The contestants compete with each other and are challenge to create the best clothing. With each challenge, each designer is required to create one or several pieces of new clothing. Sometimes the contestants have to make a garment that is non-traditional material such as: apartment furnishing, recyclable materials, grocery story items, edible food items, plants and flowers, using their own clothes and party store.
Restricted with time, materials and a theme, each contestant fights to make it to fashion week. Each week, the designs are judged and one or more designers are eliminated but one will be the winner which they will receive immunity for the next challenge. Meaning they can not be eliminated in the next challenge. Designers are prohibited from leaving the apartments without authorization and forbidden to bring in pattern books. New York Fashion Week is when the winner is determined. Project Runway is up to thirteen seasons with three all star seasons.
Restricted with time, materials and a theme, each contestant fights to make it to fashion week. Each week, the designs are judged and one or more designers are eliminated but one will be the winner which they will receive immunity for the next challenge. Meaning they can not be eliminated in the next challenge. Designers are prohibited from leaving the apartments without authorization and forbidden to bring in pattern books. New York Fashion Week is when the winner is determined. Project Runway is up to thirteen seasons with three all star seasons.
I love Heidi. I never miss a season of Project Runway.